Intelligent speed cameras in France: protecting your business
In 2025, a radical change is taking place in road safety management in France, with the introduction of smart radars. These devices, incorporating advanced technologies such as theartificial intelligence (AI)are designed to improve road safety. This development promises to reduce infringements and improve overall safety, but it also poses challenges for companies. They will have to adapt fleet management to comply with the new rules and prevent the risks associated with the professional use of vehicles. In this article, find out what solutions are available today to protect your teams and your company in the face of these developments.
Intelligent radar: a major technological advance
Intelligent speed cameras go far beyond simple speed detection. Thanks toIA (artificial intelligence), they monitor a wide range of dangerous behaviors in real time:
- Speeding
- Failure to respect safety distances
- Using the phone while driving
- Not wearing a seat belt

This extensive surveillance makes it possible to target high-risk behaviours, thus reinforcing the road safety. Their ability to analyze several aspects of driving simultaneously provides a better understanding of the factors leading to accidents, making smart radars a powerful tool for reducing reckless behavior.
A challenge for businesses: The impact of intelligent speed cameras
Since 2017, legislation has required companies to designate the driver responsible in the event of an offence with a company vehicle, on pain of penalties. With the arrival of smart radars in 2025, fleet management is becoming more complex, broadening the range of behaviors under surveillance.
Companies must therefore :
- Identify offenders, particularly in the case of shared vehicles
- Ensuring compliance with the new rules
- Optimize fleet management to avoid legal and financial risks
Automating fine management: an effective solution
Extending the number of offences under surveillance makes manual management of fines more complex. Solutions such as those proposed by Optimum are automating this process by connecting fleets to platforms such as ANTAI (Agence Nationale de Traitement Automatisé des Infractions (National Agency for Automated Crime Processing)). Thanks to this serviceIn this way, the offending driver can be identified more quickly and the management of fines can be made more efficient.
The benefits of automation :
- Reduced processing time
- Compliance with legal obligations
- Empowering drivers

Preventing risky behavior: An investment in the future
Managing fines is only part of the equation. First and foremost, the risk behavior prevention is essential for employee safety and accident cost reduction. Connected fleet management technologies, such as those offered by OptimumThese systems collect invaluable data on driving behaviour, making it possible to identify risky behaviour and assign an "Eco-index" score to each driver.
On the basis of this data, companies can implement targeted actions to raise driver awareness, such as training courses and responsible driving competitions. These measures contribute to employee safety and reduce claims, thereby lowering insurance costs.
In conclusion, the arrival of intelligent speed cameras marks a major step in the evolution of road safety in France. Companies need to start preparing now, by adopting innovative solutions to comply with the new legislation, thereby improving the safety of their teams and reducing financial and legal risks.