Reduce your vehicle fleet with Crédit Mobilité

To meet economic and environmental challenges, many companies are looking to green and even reduce their vehicle fleets.
Crédit Mobilité is an interesting tool for achieving this sustainable transition.
This system offers the possibility of replacing (totally or partially) a company car. For example, with a smaller model, such as an electric city car. A sum of money can also be given to the employee, which he or she can use to finance travel (home-work, leisure). If the employee gives up his or her company car completely, the amount of Crédit Mobilité will be higher.
How does Crédit Mobilité work?
Crédit Mobilité targets companies whose employees use company cars. The scheme provides a specific budget for employee mobility. As a result, it encourages each employee to give up his or her vehicle in favor of a greener alternative. For example, a more environmentally-friendly and economical solution. In this way, the initiative encourages a transition towards sustainable transport options.
This idea of mobility credit is based on 3 pillars:
- The possibility of providing employees with a less polluting vehicle (electric or hybrid) that emits a lower level of CO2.
- The choice of using the balance of Crédit Mobilité for more environmentally-friendly transport alternatives (car-sharing, public transport, etc.).
- Allocation of the Crédit Mobilité amount to the employee each year
What role does taxation play in Crédit Mobilité?
Crédit Mobilité is governed by ordinary law. This means that it is subject to social security contributions, unlike the Forfait Mobilités Durables. In other words, Crédit Mobilité is considered a "Benefit in Kind (AEN)", in the same way as the company car it replaces.
If the company has owned a company car for 5 years or less, the benefit in kind is calculated differently. In this case, the lump sum will be 9 % of the vehicle's net purchase price.
If the vehicle is 5 years old or more, the benefit in kind is set at 6 %. This measure encourages companies to renew their vehicle fleets in order to reduce pollutant emissions. Newer vehicles are better adapted to today's ecological standards. They also have lower maintenance and unforeseen repair costs. By investing in newer models, companies can save money in the long term.
The employee will also have to pay income tax on the benefit in kind.
Defining employee eligibility

Employee eligibility for Crédit Mobilité cannot be determined at random. An in-depth audit of usage is required, based on essential criteria. This audit enables us to assess the relevance of using this scheme for each employee.
For example, an employee living in an urban area and working from home will not have the same mobility needs as an employee living in a rural area. The mobility credit will not be aimed at the rural employee who uses his or her car every day, but rather at the urban employee, offering him or her a range of alternative travel options.
Crédit Mobilité will therefore be aimed primarily at this type of employee, who commutes daily and benefits from alternative means of transport.
The flaws in Crédit Mobilité
Crédit Mobilité is an attractive scheme for both companies and employees in many respects. However, managing the scheme can prove tricky, if the company doesn't have the right tools to manage, track and analyze these upheavals. It is therefore preferable to have a management solution dedicated to Crédit Mobilité, and more broadly to employee mobility (cf. Forfait Mobilités Durables...).
That's why the Mobility Pack solution lets you easily deploy Crédit Mobilité in your company. It enables you to track your employees' Total Cost of Mobility (TCM) and environmental impact. On the platform, you can :
- allocate credits to each employee
- expense tracking (with dematerialized receipts)
- analyze the carbon impact of TCM, both individually and collectively...
Find out more: mobility-pack.com